Psychologists often talk about dependency in relationships. In simple terms, this is not love, but a sign of an unhealthy relationship.
It would be good to sort out your feelings at the earliest stage, that is, before a man and a woman start living together and quarreling over all sorts of nonsense.
It is not that difficult to distinguish true love from an unhealthy attraction to a partner.
A person focuses on the object of his adoration and tries to save his partner from something or make him ideal.
At the same time, he suppresses in every possible way the signs of discomfort in his relationship with his partner, but in fact lives in a world of his own illusions.
It is believed that true love develops only over time and this high feeling is necessarily preceded by friendship, trust and support.
Needless to say, these feelings are mutual, and the partners accept each other for who they really are, without trying to remake or change anything.
In such unions, a man and a woman share their plans and successes with each other without fear or doubt, and solve and discuss any problems that arise together.
If at the beginning of a relationship a person experiences excessive attraction to a partner, idealizes him and tries not to notice his shortcomings, and when he notices them he feels dissatisfaction or disgust, then this is an addiction.
As for love at first sight, experts tend to consider this phenomenon as one of the signs of dependent relationships, and not true love.