Everyday and dangerous: 3 phrases that quietly destroy relationships

23.11.2024 18:57

Probably everyone knows that direct insults in relationships are unacceptable.

It is clear that if you constantly offend and humiliate your partner, sooner or later he will want to break up.

But there are phrases whose danger is much less obvious.

At first glance, there is nothing offensive in these remarks. Moreover, one of them is considered “supportive”.

In fact, such phrases can subtly destroy a relationship. Do not say them if you want your significant other to stay with you.

Photo: © Belnovosti

"I've had enough!"

A "classic" phrase that is often heard during arguments.

This remark is not as harmless as it seems at first glance.

By saying these words and backing them up with actions (abruptly ending the conversation, returning to your room without your partner, etc.), you force your significant other to come to a serious conclusion: “He/she doesn’t want to see me. He/she doesn’t love me.”

"You're worrying about nothing"

If you think that you will morally support your partner with this phrase, then you are deeply mistaken.

Most likely, the companion will perceive the remark as an attempt to devalue the experience. And this can lead to undesirable consequences.

"Always you..."

It is possible to criticize your other half. But you need to do it very carefully.

It is worth doing without the words “forever”, “always”, “never”, etc.

Otherwise, criticism will be perceived by your partner as an expression of hatred.

For reference

A phrase is the largest phonetic unit; a section of speech with complete intonation.

Author: Kurchev Anton Deputy Editor-in-Chief

  1. "I've had enough!"
  2. "You're worrying about nothing"
  3. "Always you..."

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