Cheating is something bad that weighs on a decent person, and therefore the question arises: should one confess to what one has done?
Psychologists are not unanimous in this regard. Some recommend thinking carefully before following your conscience.
Experts from the Woman Zen channel explained in which cases it is better to hide the fact of betrayal, despite the cats scratching at your soul.
Even if your partner warms up to you and forgives you, the aftertaste will definitely remain and will one day remind you of itself.
Moreover, the limit of trust is not unlimited.
The next reason is the psychological trauma you will cause to your partner.
And it would be better to remain silent if you clearly understand that you want to maintain a relationship with your partner at all costs.
Only if there is an understanding that the couple does not have a common future.
Therefore, there is no point in being frank, trying to prove your “honesty” and openness.