Men who submit themselves to a woman's will are called all sorts of bad names, so no self-respecting man will simply submit to a woman's will.
But the woman does not stand her ground out of stubbornness. Sometimes she really cannot do without a man's participation.
And to get what she wants, like in the famous cartoon, she doesn't need to take a stick. This is what experts advise trying in such a situation.
A woman doesn't need to command to get what she wants.
The more categorical the demands, the more defensive the man will become.
Therefore, a man only needs to be asked. And this applies to the most diverse forms of relationships - with husbands, colleagues, neighbors, and so on.
A man will reveal his best qualities simply at the call of nature, if his self-esteem is at the proper level.
And when a woman tries to suppress a man’s will, she hits his self-esteem.
Therefore, a woman should ask for help in such a way that a man understands that she is not able to do anything without him.
That's the whole secret!