Another reason named when it is necessary to break off a love relationship

31.07.2024 11:20

Usually, psychologists advise breaking off relationships without regret when it comes to violence, which manifests itself in various forms and assault.

There is another reason when maintaining a relationship does not make sense.

Quarrels and misunderstandings happen to everyone, smooth things only happen in fairy tales or in movies. However, if most of your relationships are a battlefield where you need to justify yourself, defend yourself or earn your attention all the time, then these relationships cannot be called healthy, - said in an interview with the publication " Evening Moscow " candidate of psychological sciences, psychologist Elena Yarikova.

According to the expert, this is a neurotic and dangerous relationship.

Therefore, if a person does not feel happy in a relationship, then the connection needs to be broken.

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Photo: Pixabay

Yarikova also advises thinking about other signs of an unhealthy relationship, which are considered no less important.

It is constant anxiety, tension and inability to relax, as well as the inability to be yourself.

If one of the partners constantly has to think about how their other half will react to certain changes, then there is no prospect in the relationship.

According to the psychologist, a partner who constantly criticizes is unlikely to be capable of true love.

Igor Zur Author: Igor Zur Internet resource editor

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