What kind of women do men not cheat on: 5 types

14.05.2024 05:20

Cheating is, unfortunately, a fairly common occurrence in modern relationships.

However, there are many couples in which the lovers remain faithful to each other.

There are several types of women that men are not inclined to cheat on.

So, what behavioral characteristics make a representative of the fair sex virtually protected from betrayal by a loved one?


If a girl shows concern for her partner, then the latter is unlikely to have the desire to “find someone on the side.”

Photo: Pixabay

However, anything can happen. There are men who are not satisfied even with a caring woman.


This behavior pattern makes the girl very attractive to members of the opposite sex.

A partner is unlikely to want to cheat on a companion who has managed to reveal her own femininity.


Women who underestimate themselves often become victims of cheating on their partners.

But the girl's confidence in her own beauty makes her practically invulnerable. The main thing is that it does not come to self-confidence and arrogance.

Not afraid of change

Often men cheat on those women who are afraid of such behavior from their partner.

But a girl who reasons in the following way is unlikely to be devoted: "I'm not afraid that he will cheat on me. If he does, I will simply end the relationship."

Refusing to take too much control

Hypercontrol on the part of a partner forces many men to commit adultery.

Why? It's very simple: representatives of the stronger sex act this way "out of principle" and "as a sign of protest."

Give up excessive control, learn to trust your man, do not interfere in his personal space, do not check his correspondence. And then your partner is unlikely to have a desire to cheat on you.

Previously, experts explained why it makes no sense to maintain friendly relations with an ex.

Author: Kurchev Anton Deputy Editor-in-Chief

  1. Caring
  2. Feminine
  3. Confident
  4. Not afraid of change
  5. Refusing to take too much control