How to Make a Man Miss You: 3 Tips for Women

09.05.2024 18:17

Many girls have a goal: to make the guy start to miss him already at the first stage of the relationship.

A representative of the fair sex will be pleased to know that the young man constantly thinks about her and is looking forward to the next date.

But how can a woman achieve that she becomes an object of true adoration for her partner?

The main rule is: “Don’t impose yourself!”

Many men do not like “easy victories” in their personal lives.

Photo: Pixabay

Therefore, a woman should be cunning and “go into the shadows” for a while.

So, what are three ways women make men bored?

Do not show strong interest

Want to really interest a man? Then don't adjust to his schedule under any circumstances!

Don't agree to any date: postpone many of your meetings "for later", citing busyness and personal reasons.

Avoid numerous phone conversations and long correspondence with your boyfriend.

In other words, make sure that your partner doesn’t become “satisfied” with you at the initial stage of the relationship.

“Going into the shadows” is a great way to become mysterious and interesting to a man.

Show different emotions

When communicating with a man, you don't need to constantly smile and show a good mood. Sometimes you can be sad and touchy.

Representatives of the stronger sex like sincere, not “artificial” emotions of a lady.


Men like stability only in family life. But during the honeymoon period, guys want to see unpredictability in women.

Unplanned trips, interesting surprises, unexpected statements are only welcome.

Earlier we named 5 women's mistakes that bring divorce closer.

Author: Kurchev Anton Deputy Editor-in-Chief

  1. Do not show strong interest
  2. Show different emotions
  3. Unpredictability

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