So, your office romance has come to an end – you have deleted joint photos, discussed breaking up with friends, but there is no relief – working with a once close person is still difficult.
We'll share some tips that will help you get through this episode more easily - even if your ex is sitting at the table next to you.
In fact, an agreement not to mix work and personal matters should be made, as they say, "on the beach" - before the relationship begins. If this has not been done before, now is the time to dot the i's.
At work, only business communication is possible - only in this case, difficulties in relationships will not spoil your reputation and will not affect the results of your work.
Treat your ex-partner the same way you would treat other colleagues. Talk politely and discuss only work-related topics.
It will be more difficult to adhere to corporate ethics if an ex-lover provokes a scandal - in this case, the only option is to ignore such behavior.
Let's agree that it's hard to keep your mouth shut, but you need to do it to avoid office gossip. If you want to take revenge and ruin your partner's reputation, you're unlikely to achieve anything this way, but your own reputation will be tarnished.
Avoidance tactics are a must for people who have gone through a breakup. While you certainly shouldn't skip a meeting because of your ex, it's possible to adjust your schedule so that you spend as little time with your once-close friend as possible.
The breakup will likely be on your mind for a while, but don't constantly think about your ex going on vacation with his new girlfriend - instead, try to devote yourself entirely to work.
Earlier we shared an original way to propose.