One of the main reasons that destroys marriage has been named: is it possible to fight it

07.03.2024 07:42

One of the main reasons that leads to a breakup or divorce is named. It not only kills existing relationships, but also prevents the solution of problems.

Experts have found out what circumstances provoke it and whether it can be somehow combated.

What is the reason?

According to experts , the most common cause of marital and other unions destruction is the resulting disgust towards the partner.

It is because of this feeling that difficulties arise in solving emerging problems, which ultimately leads to a breakup.

This may not only be open insults towards your partner.

Photo: Pixabay

Experts also include sarcasm, ridicule, the desire to offend, humiliate, or in any other way demonstrate superiority over a person.

Having achieved the desired result, one of the partners begins to feel disgust towards the other.

Who does this happen to more often?

Couples who have been avoiding solving problems for a long time can and most often do find themselves in such a situation.

They accumulate negativity, thinking something bad about each other.

How to solve the problem?

The sooner you start fighting the problem, the greater the chances of success.

It is necessary to honestly discuss the situation and build future life on mutual respect.

Certain results can only be achieved if partners or spouses act together.

Previously, we talked about why you shouldn’t announce a breakup via SMS .

Author: Igor Zur Internet resource editor

  1. What is the reason?
  2. Who does this happen to more often?
  3. How to solve the problem?