How to Avoid "Nerving" a Man: 5 Habits a Woman Should Give Up

25.02.2024 20:10

The concept of “brain drain” is encountered all the time in the modern world.

Men call this any manifestation of female behavior that makes them even a little nervous or uncomfortable.

Of course, there are times when men call fair female requests and indignations "brain drain", but more often there are situations when ladies themselves understand that sometimes they go too far. This article will be about how to avoid this.

Avoid unfounded jealousy

In an ideal relationship there should be no room for jealousy, because they are built, first of all, on trust in the partner.

If there is mistrust, then the relationship is at risk. Often girls begin to show their feelings for a man excessively, and this often results in a far from positive way.

Photo: Pixabay

We live not in the 18th century, but in the 21st, and communication between different sexes is normal. A guy can have female acquaintances or old friends, classmates, colleagues.

If you suspect your partner of having a relationship with each of them, the mental state of both will be undermined. And regular complaints and mistrust will only increase.

It is important to avoid this destructive and all-consuming feeling and learn to trust your man. If he wants to cheat, no amount of jealousy will stop him.

Do not criticize

Healthy criticism is always useful. And criticism from a loved one is doubly useful. But if a girl starts regularly criticizing her lover's tastes and preferences, it's already "brain drain".

Every man has his own formed habits, tastes. It is logical that with the appearance of a woman, even if she is dearly loved, he is not obliged to radically change his preferences. In this regard, the female sex takes a lot upon itself.

Don't judge your friends

Friends, like tastes, can take years to form. For men, friendship has a special meaning. And if a woman doesn't like her partner's friends, she starts nagging him, insisting in every way on ending the friendship. This is already a manifestation of ownership and the imposition of one's interests, which should not happen.

No one has the right to forbid someone anything, especially if it concerns close friends. If a woman is not happy with this fact, then she must either accept the man's friends or end the relationship with him.

Don't be annoying

Almost every man puts work first. It is akin to instinct for them - the desire to earn and provide.

A woman does not understand that when a man works, he is focused only on work. The male sex does not have such a feature as focusing on several things at once.

When a girl is bored, she literally begins to terrorize her partner, demanding attention and not realizing that he is really busy. The solution would be to find a job or an activity you enjoy, so as not to disturb your man when he is really busy.

Don't remind about exes

A wise woman understands that exes are exes, and they are in the past. But it happens that a girl literally goes crazy, spends hours on her ex-lover's page, analyzes, makes incomprehensible conclusions and, most importantly, "drives her man crazy" about it.

These were the simplest tips on how not to bother a man without reason. It is important to understand that the male psyche does not tolerate complex tasks.

With constant demands, ultimatums and hysterics you will either "bring down" the man under your control or push him to break up. In the first case, you risk going through life next to a lack of initiative, weak, indecisive henpecked husband, and then the question of breaking up will arise in your head.

Earlier we told you how to clean your oven from grease.

Author: Igor Zur Internet resource editor

  1. Avoid unfounded jealousy
  2. Do not criticize
  3. Don't judge your friends
  4. Don't be annoying
  5. Don't remind about exes

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