How to understand that a man is moving away: experts named the main signs

31.01.2024 11:49

In some relationships, there may be an unpleasant moment of distance that signals its imminent end.

Not all men are able to directly tell a woman about their loss of interest, so they prefer to send certain signals.

They hope that the understanding girl will draw the right conclusions herself and end the relationship on her own initiative.

What are the signs that a man is distancing himself?

He stops calling first.

If you notice that the initiative to call has passed into your hands, then this is not the best situation. As a rule, an interested man always understands that he himself should call the lady.

Therefore, if there are no calls, there is no point in finding out what the matter is: a man’s silence is much more eloquent than all his words and actions.

Photo: Pixabay

The messages are coming in less and less often and are more like "on-call" ones.

As a rule, electronic communication also noticeably decreases at first. A man may occasionally write "routine" messages, but the previous tone of correspondence is no longer there.

Experts note that calls disappear first and only after that the volume of messages decreases.

There are practically no meetings

If a man has lost interest in a lady, then meetings, accordingly, become rare and spontaneous. The admirer no longer plans dates and does not try to surprise you.

Meetings increasingly resemble not dates, but a walk with a good friend.

"Work pile-up" and "family problems"

These two arguments are most often used by a man to justify his own absence from a lady's life. It is worth understanding that even in the most difficult situations, a man will need the support of his beloved girl, so he will definitely find time for a call or even a date.

After all, it’s easier to cope with all the troubles if you have a loved one nearby.

Social media activity

If you notice that a man has started to treat social networks differently (he actively uses them, subscribes to other women and shows interest in them), then the answer is obvious: he is no longer interested in you.

So don't waste your time trying to get someone back who isn't interested in you. If you stop "getting back" someone who doesn't want it, you'll be able to find a worthy man.

Earlier we talked about the 4 shortcomings of men that irritate girls at the initial stage of dating .

Author: Marina Michalap Internet resource editor

  1. What are the signs that a man is distancing himself?
  2. He stops calling first.
  3. The messages are coming in less and less often and are more like "on-call" ones.
  4. There are practically no meetings
  5. "Work pile-up" and "family problems"
  6. Social media activity

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