3 Weekend Habits That Indicate Burnout

22.02.2023 09:00
Updated: 14.04.2023 05:48

Weekends are the time when you can rest and relax. A person does not need to rush to work or get up early.

He simply enjoys life, gets pleasure from doing his favorite things, solving personal issues. At such times, he may not notice much around him, since he will not be extremely collected.

But you should still pay attention to your behavior on days off from work.

The point is that it can indicate that emotional and professional burnout is taking place. There are several habits, the presence of which indicates this.

There is life only on weekends

And this can already be understood by the fact that the individual is immensely happy on Friday, does this every time. In this way, he admits that the other days are not wonderful for him, that he does not live at this time.

young woman
Photo: Pixabay

On Friday, he is already mentally prepared for the weekend, for those very good days when he can have fun. This not only points to a problem, but also intensifies it, forcing a person to assert his position rather than change the situation.

Talking about work

On weekends, a person will simply not be able to switch off from work, from thinking about it, if he has a burnout. He will scroll through in his head what is happening in the professional sphere, will share it.

He will think that he is letting off steam. But if he takes a closer look at himself, he will notice that he is winding himself up, that he is not allowing himself to rest. Thus, he is further aggravating his condition by wasting resources in vain.

Technology controls man

And the opposite does not happen. An individual may not let go of his phone all weekend, may keep it close to him. He will mechanically check his mail, will do it too often.

He will have a fear of missing something important related to work. And with the described action, similar to it, he will relieve anxiety, try to reduce it.

Such habits are dangerous. They indicate that the individual is burnt out at work, that he needs a break, time to recover. Only then will he feel better.

Author: Yana Lysova Internet resource editor

  1. There is life only on weekends
  2. Talking about work
  3. Technology controls man