3 Tips to Start Generating Great Ideas

21.02.2023 17:00
Updated: 14.04.2023 05:08

Being creative and inventive is a prospect that everyone likes. Any person will be happy if he or she can come up with something, show a creative streak.

In this case, he will be able to compete with many, he will be able to be ahead, achieve success. He can develop such an ability in himself, he can achieve certain heights in this. But at some point, he may begin to have a creative crisis.

In such a situation, it is important not to get confused. You can always start generating cool ideas if you use a few tips.

Six Hats Methodology

It consists of building your point of view from those that have been voiced or invented. A person should imagine six hats. Black will help to see the negative in the idea, yellow - its bright sides, green - an alternative, red - emotions, white - consequences, blue - results.

Each hat needs to be tried on, try to feel your state. Make a decision, adjust the idea so that it becomes perfect, with this approach it will happen quickly.

young woman
Photo: Pixabay

Methodology of analogies

You need to find analogies to the goal, which is what this method allows you to do. In the top line, you need to write down the goal, then divide the sheet into 2 columns. In the first, you need to write down direct analogies to the goal, in the second - indirect ones.

Afterwards, you can analyze the analogies you've obtained. Develop each idea, get something original and amazing.

Mind Mapping Method

This method is well known to schoolchildren who study a foreign language. But someone may not know about it, so it should be described. You will need to take a sheet of paper, write the goal at the top, and in the middle you will need to write out a key word or several of them.

Next, you need to write down on a sheet of paper the associations that arise, connect them with the goal, build logical chains. Gradually, fresh ideas will come to mind that can be developed, included in the action plan that was built.

These methods of generating ideas always work. They can be used in any circumstances to achieve more in life.

Author: Yana Lysova Internet resource editor

  1. Six Hats Methodology
  2. Methodology of analogies
  3. Mind Mapping Method