Who practices a forceful approach: 4 signs of an abuser

19.01.2023 13:00
Updated: 13.04.2023 12:50

Violence is not always physical. It can be emotional, it can be hidden, it can go unnoticed for years.

But this does not make it safe, harmless. It also affects the one who is its victim, poisons existence. It is very important not to be with someone who practices forceful influence, but to leave such, for example, a romantic partner.

You just need to make sure that he is an abuser. Several signs will influence this fact.

No personal boundaries

The abuser will ignore them. He will do what is convenient for him, he will disturb the peace of those around him. He will ask to show him the phone, correspondence, he will enter all the rooms without knocking.

It won't even occur to him that he is violating someone else's boundaries. He will only care about acting at his own discretion.

Photo: Pixabay


And it manifests itself in everything. It is especially often noticed when it comes to children, animals, fishing, and those who are weaker.

A potential emotional abuser may directly tell children to be tougher so that they know who is boss.


You won't be able to hear encouraging words from the abuser. He will definitely find flaws even in something good and high-quality, and point them out.

At the same time, he will not pick his words, he will say whatever comes to mind first. He will even be happy to see how his words hurt someone, how someone gives up after them and stops trying to develop.


Someone who is prone to emotional abuse will interrogate all the time, will find out everything in the smallest details. In this way, he will maintain control over the situation, will not give anyone freedom, so that no one can act behind his back.

He will make all key decisions single-handedly, because he will thirst for power and will want to feel it everywhere and always.

All these signs are worth knowing. They should not be ignored under any circumstances, because the relationship with someone who shows them will definitely not be happy. It would be wiser to break it off.

Author: Yana Lysova Internet resource editor

  1. No personal boundaries
  2. Coarseness
  3. Criticism
  4. Control