5 Signs a Man Will Cheat on a Woman

15.11.2024 08:37

Having met a man, a woman probably expects a successful relationship and the subsequent creation of a happy family.

But it is possible that after some time it will turn out that the representative of the stronger sex is a cheater.

A girl is unlikely to be happy in a relationship with a guy who cannot remain faithful.

The result is a breakup and worries about “wasted time.”

How can you figure out a potential cheater at the initial stage of a relationship? There are several signs that should alert a representative of the fair sex.

Photo: Pixabay

The man doesn't like to answer questions

A guy's reluctance to answer even the simplest and most harmless questions is a dangerous sign.

A man doesn't want to tell anything about his past relationships? Perhaps he already "distinguished himself" there.

The guy refuses to tell where he was yesterday and who he just talked to on the phone? There's nothing good about that either!

A representative of the stronger sex accuses you of being "excessively curious" even though you are asking questions that you have every right to ask? Know that this person is unlikely to be honest and sincere with you.

Likes to take risks

Those who love danger often turn out to be traitors.

After all, relationships on the side are a serious risk that such people like.


Is your boyfriend overly jealous? Does he "make scenes" even after harmless situations?

It is possible that with such behavior the man is trying to “project” his own inability to remain faithful onto his other half.


A man who loves himself too much is unlikely to think about his partner's feelings. Such a person may well turn out to be a cheater.

Always keeps his smartphone with him

Is the guy afraid to leave his phone on the table or nightstand? Does the mobile phone always lie in the young man's pocket?

It is possible that your partner is afraid that you will read his correspondence and find out about his beginning affair on the side.

Author: Kurchev Anton Deputy Editor-in-Chief

  1. The man doesn't like to answer questions
  2. Likes to take risks
  3. Jealousy
  4. Egoism
  5. Always keeps his smartphone with him

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