3 Women's Phrases That Men Are Afraid Of

06.12.2024 09:19

Sometimes the fair sex utter phrases that disappoint or even frighten their companions.

A man who hears such remarks begins to feel hurt and “unnecessary.”

Want to maintain a normal relationship with your partner? Then don't talk to him like this:

"Choose: either me or your friends"

Such ultimatums are unacceptable. Of course, a man needs a beloved woman. But it will be hard for him without friends too.

Of course, your partner may stop communicating with friends for your sake. But in this case, it is possible that your partner will start to treat you worse: after all, you "forced" him to take a serious step.

young woman
Photo: © Belnovosti

Or it may be that the man will be principled and break off relations with you for the sake of preserving friendship. After all, friends, unlike you, did not force your companion to make a choice.

"And here's my ex..."

When communicating with your beloved man, do not under any circumstances remember your ex-partner.

And especially don’t compare your current partner with your ex in favor of the latter!

The man will probably perceive all this as an attempt to humiliate and insult him.

"I myself!"

Men want to be strong. They like to help women out.

If a representative of the fair sex copes with this or that task without her partner, then the latter is upset by this.

If your loved one offers help, don't refuse it.

Author: Kurchev Anton Deputy Editor-in-Chief

  1. "Choose: either me or your friends"
  2. "And here's my ex..."
  3. "I myself!"