3 Dangerous Female Phrases That Bring Relationship Breakups Closer

08.11.2024 17:24

Any careless phrase uttered by one of the partners can be the reason for a breakup.

The culprit of the breakup may well be a representative of the fair sex who said “something wrong.”

Phrases that contain insults or provocation are especially dangerous.

So, what kind of female remarks can scare a man away and thus destroy a couple?

"You are weak and lazy"

Attempts to humiliate your significant other and assert yourself over them are unacceptable.

Photo: © Belnovosti

Using excessive criticism and psychological pressure to make a man “correct himself” is also not worth it.

If a woman accuses her partner of weakness and inability to earn money, then the man will probably be upset. Especially if he tries very hard for the sake of his other half.

A representative of the stronger sex will probably come to the following conclusion: “She doesn’t notice my efforts and is always criticizing. I’m tired of it.”

"Did you see how your friend looked at me? By the way, he's not bad."

Some women deliberately make their partners jealous.

Such representatives of the fair sex are sure: they need to demonstrate their “demand” to their partner, and then the man will begin to “appreciate” his partner.

In fact, the opposite effect is usually achieved: the guy begins to believe that the girl will not be able to remain faithful to him, and at the same time will quarrel with his friend.

"You give me little money"

A man can also be put off by a woman's commercialism.

A girl who demands a huge amount of money and expensive gifts from her partner, but at the same time gives nothing in return, can hardly be called a good companion.

A guy who has once again heard a financial complaint from his girlfriend may come to the following conclusion: "She is only with me for the money. Maybe we should break up."

Author: Kurchev Anton Deputy Editor-in-Chief

  1. "You are weak and lazy"
  2. "Did you see how your friend looked at me? By the way, he's not bad."
  3. "You give me little money"

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