Against the backdrop of events in Syria, the media recalled the prediction of the Bulgarian clairvoyant Vanga about the third world war.
According to the prediction, it will begin in the spring of 2025 and will destroy the West.
The Economic Times quotes the seer's words.
The seer predicted that soon after the fall of Syria a great war would begin between the East and the West.
In the spring, the war in the East will begin, and the third world war will begin. The war in the East, which will destroy the West, Vanga said.
According to her, nuclear weapons will be used during this war.
As a result, the American continents will become uninhabitable, animals and plants will disappear, people will have no food, clothing, fuel or light, and water will become more expensive than gold.
The war will also lead to an epidemic of an unknown disease.
People will fall dead right in the street. There will be few people on earth, the prediction says.