Today is Thursday, December 26, 2024. Day 361 of the Gregorian year. There are 5 days left until the end of the year.
Sunrise: 09:28. Astronomical noon: 13:10. Sunset: 16:53. Day length: 07:25. Night length: 16:35.
Alexander, Alexey, Anastasia, Arkady, Arseny, Vasily, Vladimir, Gabriel, German, Grigory, Evgeny, Emelyan, Ivan, Nikolay, Orest, Yakov.
Today you can join in the celebration of Dream Hunt Day, Pie Offering Day, Boxing Day, or Deep Snow Festival.
Croupiers celebrate their international day, and December 26 is also the Day of Girls with Long Hair.
In the church calendar, December 26 of this year is the 27th Week after Pentecost.
On this day, Orthodox Christians honor the memory of the martyrs Eustratius, Auxentius, Eugenius, Mardarius and Orestes, the martyr Lucia, the Venerable Arsenius of Latria, the Venerable Arcadius of Novotorzhsk, the Venerable Mardarius, the recluse of the Caves, Saint Dositheus, Metropolitan of Moldova, the holy martyr Alexander the priest and martyr John, the holy martyrs Vladimir, Alexander, Jacob, Alexis, Gregory the priests, the holy martyr Nicholas the priest, the holy martyrs Emilian, Basil the priests, and celebrate the death of the Venerable Herman of Alaska.
In 1898, Marie and Pierre Curie announced the discovery of radium.
In 1946, the Flamingo Hotel opened in Las Vegas, built by the famous gangster Bugsy Siegel. From that day on, Las Vegas began to transform into the world capital of the gambling business.
In 1978, the first ever Paris-Dakar rally was launched.
In 1791, British mathematician Charles Babbage, inventor of the first analytical computing machine, was born.
In 1853, the German architect and archaeologist Wilhelm Dörgfeld, one of the most famous researchers of ancient Greek architecture, was born.
In 1869, Russian power engineer Genrikh Graftio, builder of the first Soviet hydroelectric power stations, was born.
In 1891, the American writer and artist Henry Miller was born, whose pen belongs to the novels Tropic of Cancer, Black Spring, Tropic of Capricorn and other works.
In 1926, Soviet actress Ekaterina Savinova was born. She starred in about three dozen films, including the role of Frosya Burlakova in the film “Come Tomorrow…”.
In 1928, American engineer and physicist Martin Cooper, inventor of the mobile phone, was born.
In 1939, American music producer Phil Spector was born, who is considered one of the most influential figures in the history of pop music.
In 1949, the Soviet and Russian theater and film actor, singer Mikhail Boyarsky was born, whose finest hour came with the release of the television film "D'Artagnan and the Three Musketeers".
In 1963, American drummer, producer and actor of Danish origin Lars Ulrich, one of the founders of the band Metallica, was born.
In 1971, American rock musician and actor Jared Leto, vocalist of the band Thirty Seconds to Mars, was born.
In 1975, Chilean tennis player Marcelo Rios, former world number one, was born.
In 1986, English theater, film and television actor Kit Harington, best known for his role as Jon Snow in the HBO television series Game of Thrones, was born.
December 26 is popularly known as Eustratius Day, Witches' Gathering.
The weather today is what January will be like.
If you see magpies sitting on the snow, warm weather is coming, but if you hear wolves howling under your home, frost is coming.
Another sign says that the sun setting in a large cloud foretells a possible snowstorm at night.
In the lunar calendar, December 26 of the year is the 26th lunar day. Now the Moon is in the waning phase. It is located in the zodiac sign Scorpio.
Its sunrise is expected at 04:18 and sunset at 12:45.
This Thursday is a difficult and critical day. It is recommended to refrain from any active activity. It is better to save energy than to waste it on empty talk.
Devote time to fasting and abstinence. Limit unnecessary contacts and take a sober look at life.