Soilless method of sowing for seedlings: you will regret that you did not know earlier

04.02.2025 22:20

Having trouble growing good bell pepper seedlings? Try the soilless method.

It is ideal for all capricious crops, not just peppers.

We tell you how to grow seedlings without soil.

How to grow seedlings without soil

You will need: a plastic container, toilet paper or paper towels, hydrogen peroxide.

Line the bottom of the container with toilet paper or paper towels and moisten with a water solution of hydrogen peroxide (5 drops per tablespoon of water).

Photo: © Belnovosti

Carefully distribute the seeds over the surface of the paper, close the container. If it has no lid, wrap it in cling film.

We put the container in a warm place. The optimal temperature is 25-28 degrees.

We check the paper every day and, if necessary, moisten it with a peroxide solution.

The seeds will start to sprout in 5-7 days. When the shoots get stronger, we plant them in the ground.

An important nuance: you need to plant it together with the paper, cutting it into pieces.

You can first plant them in small cups to discard weak sprouts.

Author: Timur Khomichev Internet resource editor