Never sow dill after this fertilizer: there will be no harvest.

10.12.2024 16:55

Often, summer residents complain that dill grows very poorly in their gardens.

The most common problems that lovers of juicy greens have to face are poor growth of dill, shoots turning red, yellow or curling, tasteless green part of the shoot, etc.

If you want to achieve a rich harvest of greens, which would also be juicy and aromatic, remember an important rule.

Never plant this crop in beds that you have recently fertilized with wood ash.

Dill will also grow poorly in soils that have recently been limed (chalk or dolomite flour has been added).

Photo: © Belnovosti

Dill can be sown in such beds no earlier than two months after treatment.

For good development this crop requires slightly acidic and acidic soils.

Dill also needs nitrogen – it really likes fertilizers that contain this component.

In addition, ammonium sulfate is considered an excellent mineral fertilizer for feeding dill, so be sure to add one tablespoon of dry fertilizer per square meter of soil before you start sowing dill seeds.

Author: Elena Shimanovskaya Editor of Internet resources