The Colorado potato beetle is one of the main enemies of potatoes.
What to do if a dangerous pest has already appeared in the potato bed?
Don't rush to use expensive "chemistry"! There is one natural, simple and cheap, but incredibly effective remedy.
One treatment is enough for the dangerous insect to stop paying attention to the nightshade.
So, you can save a popular garden crop with the help of... mustard powder.
A solution must be prepared using crushed mustard seeds.
Take a standard bucket and fill it almost completely with plain water.
Next, pour 100 grams of dry mustard into a container and add 100 milliliters of nine percent vinegar.
Mix the contents of the bucket thoroughly. Do this until the solution acquires a uniform consistency.
Then treat the vulnerable garden crop.
Pour drops of the prepared solution onto the tops. Don't forget to spray the undersides of the leaf blades.
If you do everything correctly, the potatoes will acquire 100% protection from the Colorado potato beetle.