A simple way to improve the composition of the soil in the garden: summer residents named an affordable universal remedy

11.10.2024 07:51

In autumn, gardeners' main concerns are fertilization, pest control and disease prevention.

That's why many seasoned summer residents stock up on bay leaves at this time. The culinary supplement is inexpensive, but it really helps out at the dacha.

How it works

Firstly, the spice contains substances that resist the development of fungi and other pathogens in the soil.

Secondly, the smell of bay leaves is not liked by many insects - those that live in the kitchen and those that live in garden beds.

Thirdly, bay leaf contains iron and manganese, phosphorus and calcium, magnesium and other additives necessary for plant nutrition.

Photo: © Belnovosti

Moreover, such an additive is inexpensive, and only three sheets are required per square meter.

How to use

There are two proven methods: bury the leaves in the soil or prepare an infusion.

1. On average, it is recommended to use up to 3 leaves per square meter of soil.

This is enough to improve the composition of the soil and protect the garden bed from pests and fungi.

2. It is also not difficult to prepare an infusion for watering.

For this, you will need 5 bay leaves per 1 liter of water. Bring the water to a boil and let it brew.

Once it cools down, add 9 liters of clean water and use for watering.

However, it should be remembered that folk remedies for pest and disease control, as well as additives for improving soil composition, do not always guarantee a 100% result.

Author: Igor Zur Internet resource editor
Expert: Anastasia Kovrizhnykh Expert / Belnovosti

  1. How it works
  2. How to use

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