Nobody wants their favorite exquisite roses to turn into ordinary rose hips.
However, this situation is not uncommon.
It is worth understanding that such a process does not happen without reason.
Roses should not be planted too deeply, but you should not leave the rose almost on the surface either. For these reasons, the flower can turn into a rose hip.
Even if this does not happen, the flowers will be extremely sickly and weak.
As it turns out, this can also cause the transformation of roses. Therefore, promptly treat flowers from the most common diseases and insects.
Any unfavorable factors can turn a rose into a rosehip. For example, you can't allow moisture to stagnate. Lack of sun will also contribute to turning into a rosehip.
Also, a lack of minerals can cause this event. A rose can turn into a wild rose if the acidity levels in the soil are high.