The time of harvesting depends not only on when the vegetables or fruits ripen, but also on the position of the night star in the sky, or the Moon, to put it simply.
Summer residents, who sacredly honor the recommendations of the lunar calendar, believe that the phases of the Moon, constellations and other mysticism have some influence even on the storage of crops in winter.
It has long been no secret that the Moon has a certain influence on the processes occurring on Earth, including on that part of the land that is allocated for personal subsidiary farming.
The moon influences how plants take root, how they develop, bloom and bear fruit.
Therefore, it cannot be ruled out that the Earth's natural satellite also has some influence on harvesting.
The lunar calendar determines the most favorable periods when root crops should be harvested.
If you rely entirely on the Moon, then choose dates that are suitable for ripening:
5-7, 8, 9, 11-14, 18, 19, 21, 25 and 26 September.
These days are meant for harvesting the carrots of the Universe itself. Such a harvest will lie in the cellar without any problems.
But besides everything else, you need to remember that it is better to harvest carrots in dry and cool weather.
There is no need to rush until the first frost, as the root crop can successfully withstand even sub-zero temperatures.