Don't put it off until spring: what trees and shrubs are worth planting in your dacha in autumn

03.09.2024 01:30
Updated: 27.09.2024 16:21

Calendar autumn has recently arrived.

Many owners of country plots devote the end of the summer season only to harvesting.

But before the frost sets in, you can start planting some plants. For example, trees and shrubs.

Many of these flora representatives should be planted in the autumn period, without postponing the procedure until the beginning of the next summer cottage season.

The benefits of autumn planting of trees and shrubs

Many of these plants are worth planting in the fall to save money: during this period, seedlings are not very expensive, but at the same time of high quality.

Photo: © Belnovosti

In addition, in autumn, plants take root well. And all thanks to the high level of air humidity.

It is also worth emphasizing that autumn seedlings develop quite quickly and do not require serious care in the spring.

In addition, trees and shrubs planted in September-October often produce very tasty, sweet and juicy fruits.

It would be right to mention the disadvantages of autumn planting. The first disadvantage is the high risk of adverse weather conditions that can harm the flora.

The second disadvantage is the vulnerability of trees and shrubs to rodents.

However, by properly protecting the plants, the gardener will eliminate all the disadvantages of autumn planting.

What trees and shrubs should be planted in autumn

As for Belarus and central Russia, the following fruit trees should be mentioned first: apple (grafted from cuttings), pear, cherry, rowan, cherry plum.

It also makes sense to plant the following ornamental plants: birch, willow, maple, linden, ash. In addition, absolutely all coniferous trees are suitable for autumn planting.

In addition, in the autumn months, it is necessary to plant the following shrubs: viburnum, gooseberry, raspberry, currant, rose hip.

As for the southern regions, here you can plant all of the above plants, as well as apricot, peach and cherry.

Author: Kurchev Anton Deputy Editor-in-Chief

  1. The benefits of autumn planting of trees and shrubs
  2. What trees and shrubs should be planted in autumn

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