Every summer resident thinks about powdery mildew with a shudder: this disease threatens to destroy the entire cucumber harvest.
It is also worth remembering that fighting the disease is difficult.
Therefore, it is worth preventing the development of the disease rather than rushing to find adequate treatment methods.
This situation is quite common in our region: it can even be hot during the day, but at night the temperature is quite cool.
This causes stress, which makes the cucumbers vulnerable to powdery mildew.
When applying moisture, it is extremely important to "aim" at the root. If you touch the foliage, this can provoke the development of the disease due to high humidity.
Therefore, water your cucumbers correctly.
If cucumbers initially have a weak immune system, then it will be difficult for a summer resident to grow them. However, you can simply strengthen the immunity of cucumbers.
To do this, apply the necessary fertilizers in accordance with the schedule.