What to do with strawberry bushes in August: if you don’t do this procedure, you will lose your harvest next year

17.07.2024 03:30

Strawberries need proper care even after fruiting has finished.

Failure to carry out several important procedures is fraught with the fact that the harvest next season will be very low.

Do you want next year to be as “strawberry” as this one?

Then do something with your strawberry bushes in August.

What exactly? This question was answered by the expert of the online publication "BelNovosti", scientist-agronomist and landscape designer Anastasia Kovrizhnykh.

Photo: © Belnovosti

What to do with strawberry bushes at the end of summer

After fruiting has finished, the plant begins to rapidly form new rosettes of runners.

The latter require timely removal.

If the gardener refuses to perform this procedure, then the garden strawberry will continue to form runners, although it is desirable for the crop to form fruit buds for the next season.

In addition, in the final third of summer, strawberry bushes need to be cleared of old leaf blades, as well as those flower stalks that have fruited.

How to Water Strawberries in August

During the third month of summer, the plant also needs proper watering.

If August is not too hot, then each strawberry bush will need half a watering can of water. Watering should be done weekly.

If the last month of summer turns out to be very hot, then you will need to water the strawberries 4 times a week while maintaining the same water consumption.

Author: Kurchev Anton Deputy Editor-in-Chief
Expert: Anastasia Kovrizhnykh Expert / Belnovosti

  1. What to do with strawberry bushes at the end of summer
  2. How to Water Strawberries in August