Feeding peppers with millet: an unexpected but effective way to increase yields

01.07.2024 08:38

Any gardener who takes up growing peppers dreams of an abundance of fruit.

Of course, the gardener wants the vegetables to be large and tasty.

It is clear that in order to obtain such a harvest, the garden crop must be properly fed.

It is necessary to ensure that the plant receives all the necessary nutrients and microelements.

Pepper bushes also need to be protected from pests and diseases.

Photo: © Belnovosti

At first glance, to achieve such a result you cannot do without a lot of “chemistry”.

In fact, there is a natural remedy that will act as both a fertilizer and a preparation for increasing the immunity of garden crops. We are talking about... millet.

How to make an excellent garden remedy from millet

Take a large container, pour 5 liters of plain water into it and add 1 kg of millet.

The mixture should be left to infuse for 24 hours. The product should be stirred periodically.

The prepared infusion must be passed through a filter surface and diluted with another 5 liters of clean water.

The resulting liquid should be used to water the pepper bushes at the root. It is advisable to carry out the procedure twice a month.

Thanks to the product prepared on the basis of millet, the plant will receive many useful components (phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, vitamins, etc.), and at the same time will acquire protection from many diseases and dangerous insects.

Earlier, summer residents were told what to do if the leaves on tomatoes start to curl.

Author: Kurchev Anton Deputy Editor-in-Chief