Add just a handful and get a bucket of cucumbers per bush: gardeners reveal secrets

29.12.2023 21:08

There are simple secrets to getting a bountiful harvest of cucumbers that require only following basic rules.

Below we present the main points for proper vegetable cultivation.

First point. Be sure to adhere to the required dosages of the preparations used to treat the cucumber (usually indicated on the packaging).

Second point. We "treat" each of our bushes with a liter of diluted fertilizer. We look at the leaf - if it is moistened, then we have fed it enough.

Third point. If any elements are missing, we do a double treatment or two regular ones, but with a weekly interval.

Photo: © Belnovosti

As for preparatory work, it can be carried out either in autumn or spring.

In particular, we will dig up the soil (with a half-bayonet spade), and before that we will add all the organic remains at our disposal (scatter ash, rotted weeds).

Then add azophoska and nitroammophoska - 2 tablespoons per 1 square meter.

To make our seedlings ideal, we will use purchased peat.

After transshipment - in about ten days - we will add calcium nitrate. The second - potassium monophosphate - in 14 days, and after another five - magnesium sulfate.

We treat the leaves with mag-bor on a regular basis.

That's all, actually. But don't forget that the soil and climate conditions may be different, and therefore the steps listed above will not work everywhere.

Earlier, we told you which three varieties of cucumbers are recommended for planting in 2024.

Author: Pavel Gospodarik Internet resource editor