How to Grow a Real Banana Tree at Home: The Results Are Worth the Effort

17.12.2023 10:27

Despite the fact that the banana tree has a very capricious character, this does not mean that it cannot be grown at home.

To do this, you just need to stock up on some knowledge about gardening, which the expert of the online publication "BelNovosti", scientist-agronomist, landscape designer Anastasia Kovrizhnykh willingly shared with us.

We obtain planting material

To grow a fruit-bearing tree, go to the store for the smallest bananas, which you need to pack in plastic and take to a warm place, but at the same time hidden from the sun's rays.

After 3 days, peel the darkened fruit and divide the pulp into 3 parts. From the lower segment (closer to the stalk), use a sharp knife to extract the tiny round (this is important) seeds and place them on a paper towel.

Planting seeds

Place the towel with the seeds in a container on a previously prepared drainage layer, and sprinkle light soil on top, made from 1 part peat and 3 parts sand.

Photo: Pixabay

The thickness of the soil layer should not exceed 0.5 cm. It is most convenient to pour the seeds using a sieve.

We are waiting for the shoots to appear

Spray the plantings with water from a spray bottle and close the container with a lid, then place it on a radiator to maintain a temperature of 25-32 degrees inside.

Seed germination takes from 60 to 90 days, during which time the soil needs to be moistened and ventilated. Subsequently, the container with seedlings needs to be moved to a light place.

Caring for seedlings

You can begin transplanting the seedlings into separate pots filled with neutral and loose soil when they become stronger and green leaves appear on them.

Once a month, feed the banana tree using vermicompost and herbal infusions. In addition, you will need to water the plant - not too often, but quite abundantly.

Earlier we talked about how you can give plants phosphorus in a quick form.

Author: Elena Shimanovskaya Internet resource editor
Expert: Anastasia Kovrizhnykh Expert / Belnovosti

  1. We obtain planting material
  2. Planting seeds
  3. We are waiting for the shoots to appear
  4. Caring for seedlings