Should you chase bats out of your summer house attic: such a neighborhood can be useful

07.12.2023 11:00

Bats are a class of mammals that can fly independently.

Unfortunately, many people don't like this animal solely because of stereotypes instilled by scary stories.

Therefore, in most cases, the summer resident tries to kick out such a cohabitant if he settles in the attic.

But is it worth doing? Let's look into this issue in more detail.

Should I kick out the bat?

It turns out that bats make up about 25% of the world's fauna, and they have been living alongside humans for quite a long time.

Photo: © Belnovosti

They are harmless to the summer resident and feed exclusively on insects. Mice of this species play an important role in the natural ecosystem.

They destroy pests of forests, fields, parks, gardens and vegetable gardens, as well as carriers of dangerous diseases.

Note that they eat a lot of insects, as they have a fast metabolism. If a bat has flown into the house, just try to carefully rescue it.

Dmitry Liskovich Author: Dmitry Liskovich Internet resource editor

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