How to care for a violet so that it blooms all year round: nothing complicated

04.11.2023 10:45

Compared to capricious orchids, violets can be considered unpretentious indoor plants.

An expert of the online publication BelNovosti, agronomist, landscape designer Anastasia Kovrizhnykh told what to do if you want to achieve year-round flowering from a flower.


Lighting is one of the main components of care. Anyone who grows violets should remember that this plant is a fan of bright, but at the same time diffused light.

But the flower should be protected from direct sunlight, as this can cause burns.


Many novice gardeners, without realizing it, make a serious mistake when watering violets - they pour water from a watering can directly into the pot. This action can lead to root rot, so it should be replaced by spraying water on the violet leaves.

Photo: © Belnovosti


The need to replant the plant occurs on average once a year. Do not ignore this "operation" - renewal of the soil and root system is required so that the violet can continue to bloom.


According to experienced plant growers, violets respond well to both the introduction of mineral compounds and organic matter in the form of compost, humus or peat, which should be used to create a soil mixture when planting and replanting.

Author: Elena Shimanovskaya Editor of Internet resources
Expert: Anastasia Kovrizhnykh Expert / Belnovosti

  1. Lighting
  2. Watering
  3. Transfer
  4. Fertilizer