How experienced gardeners fight weeds on their plots: improvised means are used

23.06.2023 14:15

Weeds can make life difficult for any garden owner.

In order to reduce the effort required to obtain a decent harvest, as well as to free up more time for themselves, summer residents regularly look for means that would allow them to get rid of unwanted vegetation.

Herbicide soap often comes to the rescue in such situations.

We will tell you how to prepare it in this article.

In order to make a product with your own hands that would destroy plants that have entered your garden and vegetable garden without permission, you will need to grate some laundry soap and mix it with vinegar.

Photo: © Belnovosti

Both components should be taken in equal quantities.

Once the preparation is ready, it must be distributed over the weeds.

In addition, do not forget about the benefits of drip irrigation. In this case, water goes directly to the crops, while the weeds remain deprived of life-giving moisture.

Author: Elena Shimanovskaya Editor of Internet resources