What you shouldn't feed onions in July: the turnips will turn out small

15.06.2023 12:36

Many summer residents grow onions not so much for the green feathers, but to obtain turnips.

Such gardeners want the bulbs to grow large and tasty.

But one single mistake can ruin all the efforts of the owner of a country house.

The beginning of the growth of turnips occurs precisely in the second month of summer.

It is precisely during this period that some summer residents make a gross mistake: they feed the plant with the wrong fertilizer.

Photo: © Belnovosti

What fertilizer does onion not need in July

At this time, the garden crop does not need nitrogen at all.

Moreover, in the middle of summer such a microelement can cause serious harm to the plant.

Therefore, July is not the best time to apply nitrogen fertilizers to the onion bed.

If the gardener does this, the bulbs will be small and their taste will not be the brightest.

What fertilizers does a plant need in July

But compounds that contain potassium and phosphorus components can be safely added.

First of all, we are talking about ash: unburned wood residues contain many microelements necessary for onions. But the nitrogen component is practically absent in the product.

Author: Sergey Tumanov Internet resource editor

  1. What fertilizer does onion not need in July
  2. What fertilizers does a plant need in July