What to add to the soil before transplanting seedlings: the secret of Soviet summer residents

26.04.2023 16:54

Soviet summer residents managed to collect good harvests without everything that modern gardeners have.

Thus, one special fertilizer was born, which all vegetable crops liked. If you add it to the soil before transplanting seedlings, the harvest will be remembered for a long time.

It is noteworthy that this additive is liked by all garden crops.

It saturates the soil with all the nutrients necessary for cultivated plants.

Everything ingenious is simple, and we are talking about dolomite flour.

Photo: © Belnovosti

In its composition, this simple and natural additive normalizes the pH balance of the soil, contains nutrients, and insect pests are not as keen on it as they are on manure.

Dolomite contains a complex of nutrients such as calcium, magnesium, and iron.

It is considered a universal fertilizer because it is suitable for most garden plants, and the substances are in a balanced form.

To get the most out of the fertilizer, gardeners recommend preparing a solution from dolomite flour.

The norm for one square meter of soil is 500 ml of flour.

To prepare, dissolve 500 ml of powder in 8 liters of water and add 1 glass of 9% vinegar.

The components are mixed, left to infuse for one hour, and then the solution is used to water the beds before planting seedlings.

Author: Igor Zur Internet resource editor