Each bulb will grow to the size of a fist: you just need to provide them with 3 simple conditions

11.04.2023 22:22
Updated: 15.04.2023 05:24

Onions are a vegetable that can be found in almost every kitchen.

It is valued and used in cooking in many countries of the world. Many dishes cannot do without this vegetable. In terms of usefulness, onions are inferior to few products.

Unlike garlic, both the greens and the bulb are eaten. Garlic feathers are also used, including in cooking, but much less often.

Growing green onions is not difficult. It is more difficult for summer residents to get large, juicy and aromatic bulbs. To achieve an enviable result, it is enough to fulfill 3 conditions.

Where to plant

Experienced farmers say that a neat bed of onions is only good in pictures on the Internet. In reality, the vegetable grows better mixed with tomatoes and peppers.

Photo: © Belnovosti

Onions will get the maximum amount of nutrients from these vegetables. That's why they are planted between rows of tomatoes or peppers.

What to feed

Onions respond best to phosphorus fertilizers. You can apply fertilizer immediately after sowing, and when the first leaves appear, use nitrogen fertilizers. When the onion has grown enough green mass, you can stop applying fertilizer.

Watering method

There is nothing better for onions than drip irrigation. The roots of the vegetable are shallow. Therefore, it needs regular but measured watering. The soil should always be slightly moist.

Author: Dmitry Bobrovich Internet resource editor

  1. Where to plant
  2. What to feed
  3. Watering method