How to Revive Roses That Have Had a Bad Winter: With This Remedy, the Bushes Will Revive Before Your Eyes

11.04.2023 19:52
Updated: 15.04.2023 05:16

With the arrival of spring, many people gather at their summer cottages to, among other things, check how perennials survived the winter.

For example, roses do not always survive the winter well. Often, summer residents come across a stunted bush that does not want to revive and delight with flowering.

What will revive roses

Experienced gardeners claim that vodka revives the ornamental plant. Florists note that this remedy stimulates the regeneration of roses, improves photosynthesis and accelerates the onset of flowering.

In addition, this method protects roses from aphids, so there will be no curled leaves. As a bonus, vodka disinfects the soil around the bushes, ridding it of fungus, root rot, and mold.

How to Revive Roses with Vodka

Without preliminary work, the product will be of no use. First, you need to:

Photo: © Belnovosti

1. Remove all blackened shoots. Cut down to healthy tissue.

2. The cuts are treated with garden pitch.

3. Only after this are the bushes watered with a vodka-based solution.

It is prepared according to the following recipe: 2 glasses of vodka per 10 liters of water. After mixing, 3-4 liters of the solution are added under each bush. The procedure is carried out once every 14 days.

For leaf treatment, prepare another solution: 100 g of vodka and 20 g of soap shavings per 1 liter of warm water. Spray the roses either early in the morning or in the evening.

Author: Dmitry Bobrovich Internet resource editor

  1. What will revive roses
  2. How to Revive Roses with Vodka

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