Several centuries ago, farmers noticed the right moment to sow crops and received excellent harvests without chemicals and mineral fertilizers.
Some of the old signs are still relevant today. Some summer residents, when choosing the period for sowing vegetables, rely on knowledge that has accumulated over more than one century.
1. Coltsfoot is blooming. They begin sowing radishes, spinach, dill, sorrel, carrots, and white cabbage.
2. Snowdrops have blossomed. The soil is being prepared for cabbage seedlings. Tomatoes and cucumbers are being sown for the same purpose.
3. The birch tree has developed catkins and the bird cherry has blossomed. Potatoes and onion sets are being planted.
4. The lilac has finished blooming. Cucumbers, pumpkins, and squash are planted under the film. The soil warms up to +8 …+10 °C during this period.
5. The chestnut tree begins to bloom. Legumes, beetroot and corn are sown. The soil at this time usually warms up to +12 …+15 °C.