This amazing flower can be sown directly into the ground as early as April: everyone knows this plant

07.04.2023 12:02

You always want your country house to be decorated with beautiful plants.

Many choose a variety of flowers for this. For example, roses, peonies or marigolds. All of them only add charm.

But few people know that you can choose more original plants that are also extremely unpretentious.

Designers recommend paying attention to decorative linen.

At the same time, there are a wide variety of varieties that differ in height, compactness of bushes and color (you can choose blue, ruby, white).

Flowers, flax
Photo: Pixabay

Flax can be grown both through seedlings and without seedlings.

April is perfect for the second option. The seeds should be planted in a prepared bed.

They are not afraid of slight frosts.

But the area must be well lit, and it is important to fertilize the soil.

A tablespoon of superphosphate and potassium sulfate per square meter will be enough. After that, the soil should be dug up and moistened.

Author: Olga Kotova Internet resource editor