The pear and apple tree will be filled with a harvest of juicy and sweet fruits: even experienced gardeners are delighted with this mixture

06.04.2023 16:09
Updated: 15.04.2023 03:24

Pear and apple trees need care almost all year round, but the most important moment comes after flowering.

The future harvest depends greatly on how the gardener acts after the flowering phase has ended.

Processing to increase yield

In order for pear and apple trees to form ovaries, they need more calcium and boron.

After flowering has finished, gardeners use a tank mixture, which consists of a fungicide (against diseases), an insecticide (against insects), and fertilizer.

For example, fertilizers that are suitable for foliar application include “Kristalon Green”, “Kemira”, and “Ekolist”.

Photo: © Belnovosti

The nuance with calcium

Fertilizers with calcium are applied separately due to incompatibility. Prepare a 0.3% solution: 3 g of calcium nitrate per liter of water. Apply on the leaf.

If the weather is dry, there has been no rain for a long time, and the soil has dried out, then watering the apple and pear trees is a must. For each square meter of the trunk circle of an adult tree, 5-6 liters of water are used.

But they water it so that puddles do not form near the trunk. They do this in several stages so that the moisture is absorbed evenly.

Author: Dmitry Bobrovich Internet resource editor

  1. Processing to increase yield
  2. The nuance with calcium