Why experienced gardeners don't throw away potato peelings: the waste will help increase the currant harvest

05.04.2023 09:37

Potatoes are usually peeled before boiling or frying.

The result is a lot of skin. In most cases, this waste is simply thrown into the trash.

But summer residents should not do this. Especially if there are currant bushes growing on their country plot.

Potato peels can help increase berry yields.

How to achieve the desired result

There are several options for using peelings in the country.

Photo: © Belnovosti

The easiest way: potato waste can be used as mulching material.

In other words, the soil under the currant bush should be sprinkled with potato peelings. As a result, the quality of the soil will noticeably improve.

The second option: the peel can be buried. The desired depth of the waste is 0.2 meters.

This fertilizer will become a source of starch and glucose. The chances of improving the currant fruiting will increase. In addition, the plant will acquire protection from numerous pests.

There is a third way to use peelings. Thus, you can prepare an infusion based on crushed potato peelings. Currants should be watered with this liquid twice a month.

However, it is important to emphasize the following: the use of fertilizer is not recommended in beds near which potatoes are planted or tomatoes grow.

Author: Kurchev Anton Deputy Editor-in-Chief