What can be planted next to onions: rules to follow

31.03.2023 00:01
Updated: 15.04.2023 00:01

To protect onions from pests and diseases, you should choose the right “companions”.

It is best to buy seeds or bulbs in gardening stores. You need to choose vegetables that will have a mutually beneficial effect on the onion.

Onions, including onion sets, combine well with many other plants in the garden, creating mutually beneficial interactions.

Companion planting, or planting plants next to each other that support each other, can help control pests, improve plant health, and make efficient use of space. There are plants that can be planted next to onions.

1. Carrots – onions repel carrot flies, and carrots protect onions from some fungal diseases.

Photo: © Belnovosti

2. Beets – benefit from space in the soil at different levels without competing for space or nutrients.

3. Tomatoes – help repel some pests, such as aphids, which can attack onions.

4. Lettuce – grows quickly and takes up little space, effectively using the space between the bulbs.

5. Cabbage and other cruciferous crops – Onions repel pests such as white butterflies that often attack these vegetables.

6. Strawberries – onions protect strawberries from some pests and diseases.

7. Spinach – grows quickly and does not compete with onions for space or nutrients.

There are several plants that are not recommended to be planted near onions.

1. Beans and peas – onions can suppress the growth and development of these plants.

2. Garlic – belongs to the same family as onions and can be susceptible to the same diseases and pests.

3. Celery – can compete with onions for nutrients and space.

Experiment with different combinations of plants in your garden, seeing which ones work best together. Companion planting can help improve the health and productivity of your garden and make it more attractive to beneficial insects.

Is it possible to grow spring onions in a pot?

Growing spring onions is not only available to those who have a garden. Onion sets can also be planted in a pot. Then you will harvest the onions on your windowsill. This is a great idea for a home garden when living in an apartment. It is fun and much easier than growing onions in a garden. No need to worry about the time of year.

To grow spring onions in a pot, follow these tips.

  • Choose a pot of a suitable size, preferably at least 20-30 cm in diameter and about 15-20 cm deep. Make sure the pot has drainage holes to ensure good soil permeability.
  • Fill the pot with a 1:1 mixture of garden soil and compost. You can also add some sand to improve soil permeability.
  • Plant spring onions 5-8 cm apart, leaving a gap of 2-3 cm from the edge of the pot.
  • Cover the bulbs with soil, pressing them down lightly, and water.
  • Place the pot in a location with moderate sunlight and provide regular watering, but avoid overwatering.
  • Remember to fertilize regularly, such as with a liquid garden fertilizer, every 2-3 weeks.

Growing spring onions in a pot takes the same amount of time as growing them in the ground – about 3-4 months.

Once the onions start to turn yellow and break, you can begin harvesting. Growing onions in a pot will allow you to enjoy their taste and aroma regardless of the amount of space available.

How long does it take for spring onions to grow? When to harvest

Spring onions take about 3-4 months to fully develop. You can start harvesting when the onions break in the middle and start to turn yellow. Just don’t wait too long, as the onions may lose their flavor and juiciness.

Now that you know all the intricacies and nuances of growing spring onions, you can safely start planting this unique vegetable in your garden. Do not forget to properly prepare the soil, regularly water and weed the beds. Onions will quickly become a favorite ingredient in your kitchen.

Try growing spring onions and enjoy their unique taste! In the garden store you will find everything you need to grow them right now, whether it is sowing seeds in the ground or growing seedlings.

Author: Elena Gutyro Internet resource editor

  1. Is it possible to grow spring onions in a pot?
  2. How long does it take for spring onions to grow? When to harvest