The best days for sowing radishes in open soil: choosing a variety and weather

27.03.2023 16:22
Updated: 14.04.2023 22:16

Radish is the first vegetable crop that produces fruit at relatively low cost. And although this crop is cold-resistant, some restrictions still exist.

We will tell you on which days of the 2023 summer cottage season, according to the observations of experienced gardeners, it is worth planting radishes.


There are no special requirements for growing radishes. The soil should warm up to 2-3 degrees Celsius, and the shoots tolerate cold snaps to 2-3 degrees below zero. The main limitation is the length of daylight hours and the characteristics of the variety.

Let's not forget that vegetables can be early, mid-season and late.

Early ripening varieties

It is enough for the soil in the beds to warm up to 2 degrees Celsius. Depending on the climate, this time falls in March-April.

Photo: © Belnovosti

The air temperature at this time can rise to 15 degrees.

Mid-season varieties

The beginning of June is suitable for sowing. However, it is worth remembering the peculiarities of choosing a place for planting and care. With an abundance of light, radishes begin to shoot up, which means that all the energy will be spent on reproduction, and not on fruiting.

Late varieties

For sowing these varieties, August-September is chosen. Again, this is an average indicator, since much depends on the climate and weather.

There are also varieties that are planted before winter. Then the harvest can be collected with the spring warmth. Sowing takes place in November, but with the complete exclusion of thaws, otherwise the radish will sprout and die after frosts.

Author: Igor Zur Internet resource editor

  1. Weather
  2. Early ripening varieties
  3. Mid-season varieties
  4. Late varieties