Here's what you need to do in the spring to ensure that your everbearing strawberries bear fruit abundantly in the summer

26.03.2023 18:19

In the spring, many summer residents are happy to take on the task of planting remontant strawberries.

The love of some gardeners for this variety of garden strawberries is explained very simply: the berry harvest can be collected several times during the summer season.

However, the perfectionist gardener strives for an even higher strawberry yield and even more vibrant fruit flavors.

In the spring, it is advisable for the owner of a country plot to carry out one simple procedure, and in the second half of the summer he will definitely not be disappointed with the number of berries collected.

What action are we talking about?

Many varieties of remontant strawberries are recommended to undergo an important procedure. This involves breaking off spring flower stalks.

Photo: © Belnovosti

In this case, it will be possible to prevent the first (early) fruiting. It can be said that the bush will "save" its strength and will have the opportunity for more complete development.

The second process of fruit formation will become very intense.

Towards the end of summer (or early autumn) the summer resident will be able to collect a lot of berries. The strawberries will be very large, juicy and appetizing.

Author: Kurchev Anton Deputy Editor-in-Chief