How to Increase Cucumber Yields: It's All About Proper Planting

21.03.2023 13:55
Updated: 29.03.2023 14:05

It often happens that at the beginning of the season, summer residents think about how to increase the yield of fruit and vegetable crops, but at the end they do not know what to do with the harvested crop.

Cucumbers are no exception to this list, and when the jars and barrels for pickling are already running out, gardeners begin to give away vegetables.

If you are concerned about the harvest, we will tell you how to ensure that there are really a lot of cucumbers.

To do this, when planting, you need to add to the soil what gardeners usually throw away. The seedlings will take root much faster, there will be a lot of vegetables, and they will ripen faster.

This trick does not exempt you from the mandatory fertilizing and other procedures.

Photo: © Belnovosti

What to add to the hole

There is no secret, you just need to stock up on the remains of onion peels before planting cucumber seedlings.

It needs to be dried first - this will make it easier to grind the additive.

Then you will need to mix a glass of fine onion peel with one tablespoon of potato starch.

This mixture is used when planting seedlings in the ground.

Author: Igor Zur Internet resource editor