How to protect strawberries from weevils: what and when to apply in spring for protection and a good harvest

18.03.2023 15:42
Updated: 14.04.2023 18:01

The raspberry-strawberry weevil causes serious damage to crops, so it must be gotten rid of.

The fight against the pest begins in the spring, when the buds begin to emerge. At this point, the weevil damages them, which leads to a loss of 90% of the harvest.

During flowering

You need to act when the strawberries have formed flower stalks. As soon as the buds begin to emerge, the first and main treatment is carried out.

For this purpose, chemical preparations (for example, "Fufanon") can be used. However, in order for the berries to be as "clean" as possible, biological preparations are used.

For example, "Fitoverm" is used in conjunction with "Bitoxibacillin". These preparations can be used even during the ripening period of berries.

Photo: © Belnovosti

After fruiting

The next treatment is carried out in the second half of summer. When the harvest is collected, the old foliage is removed, the tendrils are cut off.

This time, chemical preparations are used, because they will not accumulate in the next year's harvest. For example, they use "Aktara" or "Fufanon".

It is enough to carry out two treatments to minimize the damage from the weevil.

Author: Dmitry Bobrovich Internet resource editor

  1. During flowering
  2. After fruiting