Many gardeners consider it necessary to transplant peppers. Some prefer to plant seeds in separate containers right away.
Let's find out whether this procedure needs to be carried out, why it should be done, and how to properly transplant pepper seedlings.
In simple terms, this is just transplanting grown seedlings into a separate container from a common box or transplanting them into open ground.
It is believed that thanks to this technique of growing seedlings, the root system of peppers, as well as other vegetable crops, develops better.
But at the same time, it is important to remember that peppers have a hard time withstanding damage to their roots and require a lot of time to recover.
Usually this procedure is planned for March, when the seedlings have released two full leaves. 3-4 weeks pass from the day of sowing - and you can start picking.
According to the lunar calendar recommendations, it is better to do this on the waxing moon. In March, you can do the picking from the 18th to the 26th.
Don't forget to prepare containers with soil, filling them ¾ full with soil.
The seedlings are planted deep enough so that the leaves do not touch the ground. Then the roots are covered with soil and watered with warm water.
The seedlings are removed to a cool place and protected from direct sunlight.