Peach leaf curl: what and when to treat the tree

16.03.2023 22:15

Often gardeners who grow peach trees face a problem: the tree is affected by leaf curl.

To reduce the rate of spread of the disease, the main thing is to treat the plantings in a timely manner.

It is necessary to act immediately. Already in early spring, when the buds are blooming, when they are just opening and the first leaves are showing, use a 1% solution of copper-containing preparations (copper sulfate, Bordeaux mixture, copper oxychloride).

After treatment, when the leaves begin to unfold, use preparations such as Topaz or Horus at intervals of 2-3 weeks.

If the leaf curl has developed well, then the heavily affected tops should be removed, the plant should be treated with a fungicide and fertilized.

Photo: Pixabay

During the leaf fall period, all trees are treated to eradicate the disease with a solution of urea, copper sulfate or Bordeaux mixture.

It is important to reduce the chance of infection persisting in the garden to zero. Therefore, all foliage should either be burned or sent to the very bottom of the compost.

Author: Dmitry Bobrovich Internet resource editor