Wireworm will leave the site forever: 4 simple agricultural techniques to remove the pest

10.03.2023 17:40

The appearance of this pest on the plot is a real disaster. After all, the wireworm ruins the plantings.

For example, the pest leaves gnawed passages in potatoes, and if we are talking about grapes, then it is not averse to feasting on shoots and so on.

But experienced gardeners know that there are 4 proven methods that will help get rid of this pest.

First of all, you should get rid of weeds in the beds, in which larvae may hide.

You also need to scatter mustard cake on the ground before spring digging, the smell of which pests do not like.

Photo: © Belnovosti

100 grams of the product per square meter is enough. You can also add cake (1 teaspoon) into the holes when planting potatoes.

But it is necessary to ensure that the product does not come into contact with the seed material; it will be enough to simply sprinkle it with soil.

In addition, it would not be a bad idea to sow green manure on the plot, which is also capable of fighting wireworms.

The best option is phacelia.

The thing is that this useful plant emits an aroma that the pest does not like. But that's not all the advantages. Phacelia also fights weeds, grows quickly and is not afraid of cold weather, which means that early spring is perfect for planting.

The fourth technique is to set simple traps.

To do this, take a potato and cut it into several pieces. It is advisable to stick a stick with a cloth or ribbon into each slice for orientation. Then it should be dug into the ground by 15 cm. After 4 days, the trap should be removed. There will be larvae next to it, which should also be destroyed.

Author: Olga Kotova Internet resource editor